Blue Collar Guides

How to Recognize and Avoid Unhealthy Habits

Everyone has habits; some are helpful — like setting out clothes the night before or not hitting snooze too many times — while other can interfere with health and well-being.

Breaking bad habits starts by becoming aware of them. This involves keeping track of any unwanted behavior, noting its triggers, and considering ways you could replace it with something healthier.

Identify the Habit

Many habits can be beneficial, like setting out your clothes the night before for work and switching off lights when leaving a room. Other habits, like biting your nails or drinking too much caffeine, however, may not be. Breaking bad habits takes dedication and motivation but understanding why they form can make the change process simpler.

Habits form through repetition and triggers that can include your bed or office location, watching TV or eating, certain people (anger, stress or boredom), activities (watching TV or eating), people, emotions or environments (traffic jams can make people nail-bit). In fact, the culture you are exposed to could even affect the overall wellness of your community according to this health ranking study.

Some people find tracking bad habits helps identify triggers more effectively – tracking can take the form of journals, smartphone apps or sticky notes on fridges to monitor behaviors and retrain yourself not to trigger unwanted behavior again.

People often find the most successful approach to breaking bad habits is replacing it with something positive – for instance, replacing junk food snacks with something healthier such as carrot sticks or nuts can often work best when the behavior is caused by stress or hunger. This strategy may even work when triggers like these exist such as stress management.

Recognizing when your unhealthy behaviors cross into red flag territory and acting accordingly is crucial. For example, eating as a response to emotions or working constantly could be signs that an underlying issue requires professional assistance for intervention.

Breaking bad habits may be hard, but replacing them with beneficial ones is possible – such as eating only when hungry and stopping before being full; this allows for healthy weight management while fulfilling other important purposes. You could also replace stressful behavior such as smoking with breathing exercises or going for a walk instead – both are proven ways of relieving tension without reaching for cigarettes!

Identify the Trigger

Bad habits are defined as any repetitive actions which are harmful or self-defeating in nature, including smoking; binge watching TV; overeating; impulse buying and staying up late. Some common examples are smoking; eating too much; binge-watching TV shows or binge-eating; impulse buying and staying up too late.

Finding your triggers is one of the first steps toward breaking unhealthy habits. Triggers could include internal forces such as food cravings that arise in response to boredom or stress; or external influences like location, person or time of day – like snacking while driving or watching television after work.

Once you know what triggers a bad habit, work to break it. It may require trial-and-error before finding an effective approach; for example, if snacking while driving tends to be your downfall, make plans with colleagues or friends at work instead – this will break the cycle and help focus on reaching your health goals more quickly.

If a trigger can’t be avoided altogether, the next best approach may be minimizing it. This might involve taking an alternate route home that doesn’t pass the doughnut shop or scheduling TV shows to make bedtime earlier – the old saying goes: out of sight is out of mind!

Recognizing the negative emotions and consequences of bad habits is also key, in order to find alternative means of managing them. For example, you might turn to junk food or smoking cigarettes to cope with stress, or indulge in unhealthy practices as a form of relaxation and peace-making. While you cannot change their root cause directly, healthier methods of handling emotions such as exercise, relaxation and meditation could provide better solutions.

While identifying triggers may seem challenging, it’s not impossible. With some introspection and time spent looking within yourself, recognizing triggers will become easier as bad habits take hold – making you happier and healthier in the end! MUSC Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery support group recently welcomed a behavioral medicine fellow who discussed how important it was to recognize and break unhealthy habits.

Identify the Consequences

Every person has habits; some can be beneficial such as setting out clothes the night before for work or automatically turning off lights when leaving a room, while other habits, like biting your nails or hitting the snooze button multiple times before rising can have adverse results and prevent us from living our best lives.

Unhealthy behaviors can have serious repercussions for mental health. Therefore, it’s vital that you identify them and break them as soon as you notice them – for instance excessive alcohol consumption can lower motivation levels and increase depression risk; procrastination reduces productivity while setting you up for failure.

Unhealthy behaviors may also cause physical harm, including smoking and poor diets that contribute to weight gain and heart disease; using drugs or alcohol as stress relief; or simply disregarding basic hygiene practices. According to one study published in PLOS One, activities like using tobacco or alcohol as ways of relieving mental strain actually increase stress hormone levels within your body.

At first, many unhealthy habits may provide pleasure – from smoking a cigarette to getting likes on social media posts – but once these behaviors become your main source of relief or stress management, their power over your emotions and decisions fades quickly, leading you down paths that don’t align with your values or priorities.

Reducing bad habits takes time and can be challenging in its initial steps, including denial – one of the greatest barriers to breaking them.

At this stage, being proactive and surrounding yourself with people who support a healthy lifestyle are the keys to success. For example, if you want to quit smoking, join a support group or recruit the help of friends as needed. Hanu Health technology may also assist by helping to identify stressors and provide therapeutic exercises designed to replace harmful habits with beneficial ones.

Identify the Cause

Bad habits can often serve as an escape route from stress and boredom, whether through biting nails, eating junk food, smoking cigarettes excessively or social media scrolling; all behaviors which offer temporary pleasure but ultimately cause more damage than good in the long run. To break the cycle and break unwanted patterns of behavior you need to identify what triggers them: mindfulness practices such as breathing exercises can be used here along with using the Hanu Health platform to track responses to stressors in your environment to aid this discovery process.

No one is immune from bad habits, but did you know certain ones can actually be telltale signs of a psychological disorder? While it’s normal to indulge in sweet treats from time to time or skip gym workouts altogether, engaging in this behavior on a regular basis could create major setbacks in your life and lead to major setbacks later. Incorporating healthy practices like meditation, getting ample restful sleep and eating healthily are vitally important components of maintaining long-term wellbeing.

Are There Effective Ways of Breaking Bad Habits? Perhaps the key element in successfully breaking bad habits is becoming aware of them. Simply becoming more conscious of when and where bad behaviors arise is enough; simply be noticing the behaviors as they occur may suffice, for instance if you find that you bite your nails while driving, using something as simple as a sticky note placed on the steering wheel may serve as a reminder cue for example.

Once you recognize a bad habit, it’s wise to devise a plan to replace it with something more positive. This might mean finding different activities when feeling stressed out or bored – such as breathing exercises or writing. Or you could try developing healthier coping mechanisms such as exercising more or spending more time with family and friends.

Breaking bad habits takes patience and perseverance; but by recognising them when they appear and replacing them with something better, you can improve the quality of your life while avoiding negative repercussions.


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The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea

22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, but 80% remain undiagnosed and untreated. Living with this disorder increases health risks like high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke as well as increasing car accident risks due to frequent awakening.

Though snoring may be an indicator of sleep apnea, most don’t seek treatment as they believe it won’t interfere with their lives much. They could be wrong!

High Blood Pressure

Millions of people suffer from sleep apnea unknowingly and don’t even realize it, leading them to experience serious side effects such as high blood pressure. It is crucial that individuals understand the dangers associated with this condition and seek treatment prior to it becoming serious in terms of both their health and life.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes repeated interruptions to breathing during sleep, disrupting its natural cycle and decreasing quality of restorative rest. People suffering from OSA often wake frequently during the night causing disruption of hormone regulation as well as limited oxygen flow to organs reducing oxygen flow for organ function and increasing blood pressure which in turn may lead to heart disease, stroke, or other cardiovascular problems.

Sleep Apnea can cause low nighttime oxygen levels, leading to an increase in norepinephrine production that increases both blood pressure and heart rate. Furthermore, frequent episodes of awakening due to struggle for breath may tighten blood vessels which also elevates blood pressure.

People living with untreated sleep apnea for four to five years face a 30% increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, due to extra strain placed upon their heart from sleeping improperly, potentially leading to damage and muscle weakening that prevents enough oxygen reaching other parts of their bodies.

Sleep apnea symptoms include snoring, excessive fatigue and headaches. Men are more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea than women and older people more frequently have this condition than ever before. Being overweight or going through menopause increases risks further while alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers may relax throat muscles that support airway passageways resulting in worsened symptoms of sleep apnea.

Heart Disease

As you may already be aware, regular physical exercise and eating a heart-healthy diet are both vitally important in protecting cardiovascular health. But sleep apnea also presents serious threats to it if left undiagnosed and untreated.

Sleep deprivation increases both blood pressure and heart rate as you experience stress from frequent breathing pauses. This may eventually lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and atrial fibrillation – potentially leading to stroke or even heart failure. You can get help from Dr. Mulder by checking out the link.

Sleep apnea puts you at greater risk for all these issues as it disrupts the normal flow of oxygen into your body, leading to reduced oxygen intake and temporarily awakening you for breathing. An interruption to this flow causes carbon dioxide build-up in your blood, prompting your brain to send signals back out instructing muscles to breathe again; this process may repeat itself multiple times every night leaving you with low oxygen levels during the daytime.

Low oxygen levels can damage the lining of blood vessels, increasing risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. Furthermore, they may increase cholesterol and other harmful fat levels in your bloodstream and leading to heart issues.

People suffering from obstructive sleep apnea are at increased risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the number one cause of chronic liver failure in the US. Untreated sleep apnea may contribute to these risks and should be addressed through appropriate medical treatment of it.


Sleep apnea can lead to mood changes and depression. People suffering from a sleep disorder may also experience other effects like memory loss, morning headaches or increased anxiety – all exacerbated by exhaustion from lack of restful sleep; left untreated this problem could even result in serious depression and suicidal thoughts.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep condition in which breathing is interrupted for brief periods while sleeping, lasting seconds to minutes at a time, leading to decreased oxygen levels and multiple awakenings from restful slumber. OSA increases your risk for depression, heart disease and other health conditions that impair concentration and productivity while working or attending school, making daytime drowsiness an additional complication.

Sleep apnea disrupts blood flow to the brain, leading to reduced levels of GABA and an increase in glutamate. Both chemicals help regulate emotions, thinking processes and various bodily functions such as perspiration and blood pressure regulation; when disrupted they can lead to feelings of anxiety, irritability or depression in an individual.

One study demonstrated that individuals suffering from depression are five times more likely to have breathing-related sleep disorders compared to those without depression. Though researchers were unable to demonstrate a direct causal connection, their study did reveal an association between both conditions, so screening people with depression for sleep apnea is recommended.

Treating sleep apnea can help improve the quality of your rest and ease depression and other associated symptoms, allowing you to more effectively cope with these disorders. Reach out to Weatherford Dental Sleep Medicine now to discover more of their services!

Car Accidents

People suffering from sleep apnea are at an increased risk of car accidents due to grogginess and an inability to focus, however proper treatment can alleviate these issues and lower the chances of a drowsy driving incident.

Researchers have reported that people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea are up to 2.5 times more likely than others to cause car accidents as drivers due to sleep deprivation caused by collapsed upper airway during sleep and intermittent awakenings that disrupt oxygen flow during restorative cycles. Researchers attribute this increased crash risk due to sleep deprivation caused by collapsed airways that collapse during rest and the interruptions that arise with interrupted oxygen flows that disrupt restful REM sleep cycles.

Increased crash risks may also be related to decreased concentration and attention spans, making it more challenging for drivers to navigate complex or dangerous driving conditions safely. Such impairments could result in motor vehicle collisions causing serious injuries.

People with severe obstructive sleep apnea who sleep for six or fewer hours per night have an elevated risk for accidents, regardless of self-reported daytime sleepiness. According to these findings, drivers should be evaluated for sleep apnea even if they don’t report its symptoms, as well as other possible sources of impaired sleepiness such as shorter usual sleep duration or use of sleeping-promoting medications.

Obstructive sleep apnea is more prevalent among older adults and those who are overweight; however, anyone with a naturally narrow throat, large adenoids or tonsils which obstruct airflow during sleep, as well as smoking or alcohol consumption which irritate tissues in the throat and airway leading to inflammation can be susceptible.

Memory Loss

Sleep apnea can have serious repercussions for both body and mind, interfering with normal consolidation of memories during restful slumber, leading to memory problems or forgetfulness – changes which are only reversible with proper treatment.

If you are experiencing memory loss without being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, sleep apnea could be to blame. Sleep apnea interferes with oxygen flow to your brain, and can result in memory impairment that leads to permanent cognitive decline. If left untreated, treatment could bring great improvements for cognitive ability and may even reverse previous decline.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is one of the most prevalent forms of this condition. It occurs when muscles in the back of your throat relax too much during sleep, leading them to narrow your airway and stop you breathing for 10 seconds or more – disrupting oxygen delivery to your brain and prompting an automatic wake-up response that often occurs so quickly that you may never remember.

People suffering from obstructive sleep apnea often exhibit various mental health symptoms, such as low energy, memory issues and mood changes. This is likely caused by episodes of micro-awakenings caused by sleep apnea disrupting deep sleep cycles to keep you from getting the restorative rest your brain needs for healing and repair.

People suffering from untreated obstructive sleep apnea are at an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, an irreversible brain condition which leads to cognitive skills and memory decline over time. It’s thought this might be caused by amyloid plaque build-up disrupting nerve cells in your brain that prevent you from recalling information and processing new data efficiently.

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How to Adjust a Fish Tank’s Volume

Knowledge of how much water your aquarium holds can be crucial when preparing to move or managing tank maintenance costs. Our calculator estimates your aquarium’s water volume capacity based on your measurements.

This calculator is specifically tailored for rectangular tanks but works just as efficiently when applied to cylinder variations and bow fronts. Simply input your tank’s length, width and height.


An aquarium substrate layer can be an invaluable addition to any tank, providing additional insulation and keeping water nutrients at optimal levels while encouraging beneficial bacteria to flourish in filtration processes. Furthermore, substrate provides plant roots a home to settle in; without it they would flounder around aimlessly without being able to secure roots into the bottom, which is key for planted tanks.

Substrates for aquariums vary based on personal taste and what kind of fish are living in them, however, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind. A common recommendation is one pound per gallon of tank volume – although this can be confusing because most people base this number off what their tank’s label says (ie 10 gallon), rather than its actual internal water volume.

Aquarium substrates come in all sorts of shapes, colors and compositions – from inert substrates like sand and gravel, to active ones that affect water chemistry directly like crushed coral, soil or peat moss. Particle size also impacts your aquarium water chemistry: larger particle sizes allow uneaten food and waste from fish to slip through unnoticed, increasing ammonia and nitrite levels while fine-grained substrates may compact over time, blocking oxygen flow leading to anaerobic pockets of hydrogen sulfide gas that poses risk for fish.

Calculating aquarium substrate requires knowing how much room your tank will occupy after adding substrate and subtracting that from its actual internal volume. This approach is accurate even for non-rectangular tanks; you’ll just have to use different calculations. In such instances, measure height and width before converting inches to gallons using formula (l x w x d)/231.

Substrates can be invaluable tools in aquariums with planted tanks, serving to increase overall nutrient levels while adding insulation and supporting bacterial growth to optimize filtration. Furthermore, substrate can act as a foundation for plant roots to settle into while adding visual appeal and making your aquarium truly stunning.


Filters in fish tanks help ensure water remains flowing, preventing stagnant areas and limiting oxygen inhalation. However, if too much oxygen enters at once and too strong a current develops in your tank, too strong currents could damage or trap fish inside its filters and injure them.

Adjust the flow rate of your aquarium filter according to its specific needs, but also take into account what kind of filtration your fish and aquarium plants require for survival. Some species require high water flow while others can get by with lesser volumes.

Most fish tank owners opt for an outside filter attached to the back of their aquarium. But there are also internal filters known as power filters that sit within your aquarium itself and work by sucking water up through a supply tube from your aquarium, sending it through numerous compartments with various forms of filtration media and back through an overflow. There’s an array of sizes available to meet every fish tank owner’s need – beginners or veteran aquascapers alike can maintain these simple yet powerful devices easily!

Canister filters are another type of fish tank filter. These work by sucking water from an aquarium through a supply tube and expelling it through an outlet at the top of the filter. Canister filters are highly versatile, as they come in various sizes to fit both freshwater and saltwater aquariums; moreover, their durability makes them an excellent option for larger tanks.

While canister or power filters may suffice for most fish tanks, aquascapers sometimes prefer the more natural look of an internal aquarium filter. These types of filters come in various sizes to meet the needs of different tanks; large or deep aquariums especially benefit from having one installed.

Remember when calculating the volume of a fish tank that substrate and decorations can consume a great deal of space. To get an accurate measurement, subtract the height of your substrate layer from your estimated aquarium water volume; if your tank has non-rectangular sides you should also factor them in.


The overflow is the system through which water from your display tank is taken to either a sump or filtration system, typically comprising of an overflow box, tubing, and pump. It serves both to control water level in your tank as well as act as a safety net should any piece of equipment fail (like power outages or siphon failure).

There are various types of overflows you can use. An internal hang-on overflow is usually the least costly and easiest to install; however, they’re more prone to failure, since tubes break or pumps fail more easily than slim external overflows that take up less space in an aquarium’s sump. Slim external overflows offer far fewer failure points while taking up far less space – however their only drawback may be noise due to constant water movement nearing their drain box drain.

Internal built-in overflows come in various sizes. These can often be found on Reef Ready tanks such as Red Sea Reefer or Durso systems and tend to be more costly than external or hanging on overflows; however, they save the hassle of drilling your tank! Unfortunately these overflows are loud; their water flows through perforated holes similar to waterfalls producing noise similar to the waterfall itself.

If you want to solve these issues, one way is to switch out the perforated tube for a plain pipe or cut a slot into your overflow tower to create a more open system and allow water to fall more slowly without making sucking noises. For this to work properly though, make sure that any holes you cut aren’t too small; otherwise it may cause too much water to flow back into the tank too quickly and forcefully; if this occurs it indicates that this hole needs expanding.

Water Changes

If you own a fish tank, regular water changes are key to maintaining optimal conditions. Water changes help remove waste products that accumulate in the substrate as well as maintain an effective balance of beneficial bacteria in your tank’s ecosystem.

As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to calculate how many gallons are in a tank and change 10% of the water in your tank each week. This can easily be accomplished by siphoning out old water into a bucket and replacing it with fresh, treated water. While you might be tempted to use something like a jug or pump instead, doing this could cause even more strain by uprooting aquatic plants and disturbing substrate.

At any water change, it is crucial to add the new water slowly so as not to shock its inhabitants or cause spillage or overflow. Furthermore, use only tap water with similar temperature as that found within your fish tank – anything too hot or too cold could stress out fish while killing coral and live rock in its wake.

Use of a small tube when siphoning out tank’s water can make this task simpler and more accurate, and battery operated siphons are ideal. Traditional siphons cannot offer such control of flow rate as battery powered siphons do – plus battery powered allows you to ensure only dirty water is removed while also sucking up any physical waste particles on substrate which can come up during heavy stocking aquarium setup.

When updating the water in your fish tank, be sure to fill your bucket with the exact temperature as that of the tank. Many people believe that tank size alone determines stocking levels – but in reality experiments have demonstrated that its quality rather than volume hinders fish growth.

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Why is the iPhone’s Cost So High? (Explained)

Apple’s iPhones don’t come cheap, and their value can depend on many variables such as condition and storage capacity.

On a minimum wage salary, it would take you 53 hours to save up enough money for the latest iPhone model due to its higher price point than its predecessors.


Design of the iPhone is one of the main factors driving its high price tag. Apple aims to make their products as user-friendly as possible, which often means adding features not available elsewhere such as “raise to wake”, which allows users to activate their phone by lifting it off a surface – this type of feature requires additional hardware and software installation costs that add significantly to its cost.

Another aspect of the iPhone design that contributes to its cost is the use of premium materials by Apple, which ensures durability and longevity in their product. Furthermore, they use special coatings on their screens to guard against scratches. All these extra expenses are passed along in form of higher prices tag for consumers.

Apple takes great pride in the customer experience, which is why they provide an extensive warranty and support program. This support service helps users get the most from their devices while also decreasing repair bills later.

Apple takes great strides to minimize their environmental footprint through various projects that offset carbon emissions – one such initiative includes reforestation projects which offsets much of its carbon emissions – an important aspect in calculating iPhone environmental costs.

Apple has long been considered one of the most environmentally responsible tech companies worldwide. Furthermore, their excellent customer service and wide array of accessories help reduce ownership costs even though iPhones may cost more than competing phones on the market.


iPhones are among the most expensive smartphones on the market and are known for their superior hardware and longevity. Apple designs both hardware and software for its phones, enabling it to optimize every aspect of performance and guarantee at least six years of major software updates for each iPhone model. In contrast, other manufacturers such as Samsung use off-the-shelf processors which cannot be optimally optimised.

iPhones are costly because they feature cutting-edge technology. This includes powerful processors, advanced cameras and unique features like Augmented Reality apps and Face ID that further increase their costs but make the phone far superior than many of its rivals. These features make an iPhone far superior compared to others on the market.

iPhones also benefit from their rapid response time when receiving software updates, further increasing quality and longevity. This is particularly useful when new features that require complex processing are introduced – like an upgrade of iMessage or Siri for instance.

Apple invests a considerable amount in advertising and branding campaigns that promote its products, helping sell more units while upholding their excellent reputation for excellence. Many people view owning an Apple product as a status symbol and appreciate having one as part of their lives.

iPhones are more expensive due to their higher value on the resale market compared to other smartphone brands, enabling carriers to charge higher fees for them while still making a profit. At one time phone companies would subsidise them; this no longer happens today though some carriers still offer promotions when purchasing or trading in an iPhone.


Many people perceive iPhones to be expensive. What they don’t realize, however, is that they are purchasing more than just a device: they are purchasing part of Apple’s ecosystem – including iCloud, iTunes and the App Store – giving their iPhone an exclusive feel that other devices cannot provide. Therefore, many users willingly pay the higher cost associated with an iPhone.

iPhones tend to cost more than other smartphones due to their unique features. For instance, they boast an outstanding camera capable of taking high-resolution pictures with special effects; built-in iMessage feature which syncs across Apple devices; Memoji feature allows for customizing photos with different backgrounds and effects; as well as built-in encryption feature iCloud backup service that syncs across devices securely; built-in iMessage feature syncs across devices securely with encrypted backup storage synchronizing all messages; Memoji is another unique feature used by customizing pictures using special effects or backgrounds and effects allowing you to add to them.

These features make the iPhone worth its high price tag. In addition, other iPhone models feature impressive security features that prevent unauthorised access to user information – these costs make the device so costly to develop and implement, contributing further to its high price point.

iPhones feature attractive designs that distinguish them from other devices, have smaller footprints and use memory more efficiently, and are more durable, lasting longer without maintenance needs.

Battery Life

iPhones remain highly sought-after technology gadgets on the market, but still cost considerably. This can be explained by factors including branding and design decisions as well as quality issues – compared to other smartphones, Apple’s products boast superior performance in terms of camera quality, longer battery life and build quality; plus they are known for offering exceptional after-sales support – thus justifying their higher price point. Many people are willing to pay this premium price tag for an iPhone!

As with any mobile device, iPhone batteries will deteriorate over time – not due to any defects with the battery itself but simply as part of its natural process. Lithium-ion batteries used in iPhones have an indefinite lifespan that eventually reach their “chemical age” when they can no longer hold as much charge; so regular iOS updates provide energy-saving features which may extend its lifespan and extend battery life.

However, when compared with Android phones of equal quality and iPhones on the market, iPhones tend to outshone them in both battery performance and performance benchmarks. This may be attributed to their premium design, branding, marketing strategies, status symbol status symbol status of status symbol status of being promoted hard by Apple – all factors which play a part in higher prices; some consumers may hesitate to purchase an iPhone due to its higher prices or this aspect alone. Therefore shopping around and comparing prices before making your decision can help narrow your options down further! You can visit here for more information about a free iPhone from the government.


Consumers might assume Apple phones are expensive, but they actually cost less than phones from some carriers that sell them. Carriers subsidize iPhones so that they’re affordable to customers who sign two-year service contracts; these subsidies go straight back to Apple and reduce customer out-of-pocket expenses for the device.

Carrier firms need to sell enough iPhones in order to cover their investments and retain customers on their networks, which is why they frequently offer deals such as the current iPhone 7 promotion with free device purchase and trade-in of an older phone. Unfortunately, this still doesn’t cover the full cost of purchasing it – import and customs taxes apply and Apple still retains an impressive profit margin on each phone sold.

Carriers are willing to invest heavily in subsidizing iPhone users because their lower churn rates make the investment worthwhile; keeping existing customers is equally as essential to keeping new ones coming through, so that’s probably why AT&T and Verizon both continue offering it as their top smartphone.

Good news is that it may be possible for carriers to end their iPhone subsidy arrangements. Analysts have predicted a “mutiny” by carriers against Apple to demand better terms that allow them to end their subsidies altogether; but that seems unlikely for several reasons: firstly, carriers have invested heavily in network upgrades which would be lost through reduced device subsidies; and secondly there are alternative means available to them such as device upgrade installment plans with unlimited data, or buyback programs that they have established themselves.

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Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Investing

Cryptocurrency investing has quickly gained in popularity over time. It can provide an excellent complement to balanced investment portfolios and has proven its worth in past results (although individual results may differ).

However, investing in cryptocurrency is more complex than purchasing stocks; therefore it is vitally important that you conduct sufficient research and understand any associated risks.

How it works

Cryptocurrency is a digital form of money exchanged peer-to-peer over the internet without a central authority, used primarily for purchasing goods and services online or as an investment vehicle with fluctuating price values over time.

Numerous people are intrigued by cryptocurrency investing, but it’s essential that they fully comprehend both its risks and benefits before proceeding. Unlike stocks which are regulated by government bodies, cryptocurrencies are unregulated; anyone can create and sell cryptocurrency investments to investors; this makes the market highly unpredictable and may not be suitable for everyone.

Though cryptocurrency investments may experience large price swings, their returns could potentially exceed that of stocks. Many experts consider cryptocurrency investment to offer greater potential returns.

To invest in cryptocurrency, you’ll require a wallet that securely holds your coins. There are various wallet options available, but for maximum protection it is advisable to choose one backed by an investment platform or bank – this way your coins will remain protected against hacking attempts as well as providing financial insurance in case something goes amiss.

As the cryptocurrency market advances, new wallets have become more user-friendly, providing investors with a superior investing experience. Some wallets allow you to invest in specific projects or tokens used for services and products; sometimes these tokens even provide additional utilities beyond simply their value as investments, such as earning rewards or taking part in future transactions.

Your personal preferences and goals will help determine how much of your portfolio should be dedicated to cryptocurrency investments. Most wealth advisors recommend allocating no more than 10% of total assets towards cryptocurrency in order to avoid significant losses should its price decline significantly; additionally, any capital gains taxes might need to be paid upon selling for profit.

What to look for in a crypto exchange

Cryptocurrency exchanges provide traders with a platform where they can purchase, sell and convert various cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While cryptocurrency exchanges may seem like an easy way to invest in the digital asset market, before choosing an exchange it’s important to take note of some essential aspects including security measures, fees, currency pairs and liquidity.

As soon as selecting a crypto exchange, the first thing you should consider is security measures. Cryptocurrency markets can be highly unpredictable; therefore, make sure your investment is protected with high-level features like two-factor authentication (2FA) and encryption that help prevent hackers from accessing and stealing your coins.

Choose an exchange that is regulated in your region to protect yourself from scams and other forms of financial threats. Furthermore, read reviews about any crypto exchange you are considering for an idea of the quality of service and support offered.

When it comes to crypto exchanges, you should pay special attention to their liquidity. This will influence how quickly and profitably you can trade cryptocurrency on their platform; look for one with high trading volume and low spreads for optimal trading experiences.

Consider when selecting a crypto exchange is its range of supported currencies. When looking for an exchange that suits your trading interests, be sure that they support all currencies you intend to trade and provide multiple fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto trading pairs.

Some exchanges require you to undergo identity verification prior to opening an account in order to comply with US government regulations designed to combat money laundering and fraud, but other exchanges offer alternative verification processes which do not involve providing sensitive data.

Finding an exchange with superior customer support can be tricky, but it is crucial. If something goes wrong with your account, quickly getting assistance will be vital – to achieve this aim, look for one with numerous positive user reviews who places customer service as their top priority.

How much to invest

If you want to invest in cryptocurrency, the first step should be opening an account with one of several cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase or Gemini, or newer brokers like Robinhood, Webull and eToro which allow their clients to buy cryptocurrency through their platforms.

Next, it’s important to determine how much to invest and how long it takes. Your choice will depend on both your budget and risk tolerance – some investors might invest all their savings in cryptocurrency while others might only allocate a fraction.

Since cryptocurrencies can be unpredictable, you need to be comfortable with the possibility of large price swings. For best results when investing in crypto, consult with a certified financial advisor who can explain its risks and benefits before you invest. SmartAsset provides free tools that connect investors with local advisors who can answer questions and tailor an investment plan tailored specifically for their goals.

As cryptocurrency is unsupported by any government, their rate of return remains uncertain and price fluctuations can be dramatic. Financial advisors and planners advise limiting cryptocurrency investment to just a small portion of total portfolio, or opting out altogether due to its speculative nature.

To make an effective investment in cryptocurrency, it’s crucial that you conduct extensive research. This involves assessing its supply and demand as well as understanding how it operates – in particular considering any regulatory environment where it operates; Feldman emphasizes this aspect: “Limited regulation exists within cryptocurrency space which means you may not receive as many protections when investing compared to more heavily regulated stock market.”

Instead of purchasing individual cryptocurrencies, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that focus on blockchain can also provide exposure. While ETFs provide easier management and exposure, do your research as some investments in these funds might span outside of just blockchain usage.

Tax implications

Cryptocurrency investors often fail to recognize that their investment activity carries tax ramifications. The IRS typically taxes cryptocurrency like other assets, applying short-term capital gains rates (up to 37% depending on income level and filing status) when you sell or exchange cryptocurrency for cash. In certain instances, however, they treat cryptocurrency more like income than capital gain – it’s essential that investors understand all tax implications related to their activities before proceeding with them and maintaining detailed records.

Even though crypto trading and investing are mostly private transactions, the IRS keeps close tabs on this market and the activities of those participating. Many major cryptocurrency exchanges report directly to them so the IRS can track your movements and provide appropriate tax deductions and payments; additionally there is an electronic ledger known as blockchain that records all cryptocurrency transactions so it allows the agency to monitor trading and investments even if exchanges don’t report them directly.

Contrary to stocks, cryptocurrency lacks a wash sale rule; this allows traders to book losses when selling positions and then immediately repurchase them moments later and still claim losses on their taxes. Legislators have sought ways to close this loophole.

Investors who fail to disclose their cryptocurrency activities to the IRS could face severe penalties and liabilities, while casual investors likely won’t be prosecuted for this violation. But investors who appear intent on skirting federal reporting and tax obligations could incur civil fines as well as potential criminal prosecution.

Given all of the scams surrounding cryptocurrency, it’s imperative to do your research and understand its market before investing. Research the marketplace you wish to use by checking who owns it, its age and development phase as well as user feedback before making your decision to invest. Also feel free to ask any questions if something remains unclear; any honest investment managers or advisors will be more than happy to explain anything further and assure you are making wise choices.


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